This recent body of work, Constitution (2016-2019), speaks to the recent political and social changes that have resulted in the displacement of 1 in 7 people on the planet. This global transmigration has required 1 billion people to embark upon a journey to find a new home and has once again brought to the surface issues surrounding identity. Sculpted with a lexicon of racial features from around the globe - Asian, South American, African, European and Middle-Eastern - the identity of these figures is impossible to locate. These sculptures are inspired by photographic images of refugees and are captured deep in thought, mid-conversation, prayer or song. Unifying the body of work is that each is gripped by a greater force and the extreme yet enigmatic expressions emerge from a powerful constitution.
Unfired clay, raw earth pigment, crushed glass, resin - 2019
Unfired clay, resin, raw earth pigment - 2018
Unfired clay, earth pigment, crushed glass, resin - 2019
Unfired clay, resin, crushed glass - 2018
Wood fired clay, 2017
Wood-fired clay, 3 figure installation, 2017
Sculpture installation, Collegeville, MN, 2019
Unfired clay, raw earth pigment, crushed glass, resin - 2019
Wood-fired clay, 2017